gm-009u2005multicenter study of environmental 5-fu contamination during normal mixing of antineoplas

gm-009u2005multicenter study of environmental 5-fu contamination during normal mixing of antineoplastic drugs

by:Hoone      2020-04-22
Background anti-tumor drugs are usually shown to have mutation-causing, deformity-causing and carcinogenic effects, and it is recommended to prepare these drugs in a biosafety cabinet (BSC). Among them, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)
It is a common toxic anti-tumor drug that can cause harm if handled improperly.
Objective to investigate the relationship between 5-levels
FU contamination, preparation time, operator mixing experience during normal mixing, 5-
FU vials prepared during this study, as well as the number of anti-cancer drugs prepared in each hospital.
Materials and methods in the preparation process, 5-
Determination of FU pollution on 2 stainless steel plates (10 × 10 cm)
In BSC in 8 national hospitals.
These stainless steel plates were collected at the end of the study period.
Samples were analyzed by an effective liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method.
Results The subjects were 16 pharmacists from 8 hospitals.
The median preparation experience is 18 months (1–168 months)
, And the median of 5-
The FU vials prepared by each pharmacist are 7 vials (2–38 vials). The level of 5-
FU pollution is 2,079. 5 ng (0–10,148. 0 ng)/200 cm2.
Level of pollution with 5-
The preparation of FU, the time spent in preparation, years of preparation experience, and the number of anti-cancer drugs prepared in each hospital, no correlation was observed (r2 = 0. 0062, 0. 0002, 0. 0562, 0. 016).
Conclusion 5 pharmacists reached 5-
Detection of FU pollution at the following levels.
It is important that the years of preparation experience of these pharmacists vary.
These results suggest that even experienced pharmacists may underestimate the risk of environmental exposure during normal preparation.
In order to safely handle anti-tumor drugs, routine training of mixed skills is required.
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Reference (NIOSH)
NIOSH alarm 2004165.
Prevent occupational exposure to anti-tumor drugs and other harmful drugs in a health care environment.
Oh, Cincinnati: NIOSH; 2004.
Conflict of interest.
Background anti-tumor drugs are usually shown to have mutation-causing, deformity-causing and carcinogenic effects, and it is recommended to prepare these drugs in a biosafety cabinet (BSC). Among them, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)
It is a common toxic anti-tumor drug that can cause harm if handled improperly.
Objective to investigate the relationship between 5-levels
FU contamination, preparation time, operator mixing experience during normal mixing, 5-
FU vials prepared during this study, as well as the number of anti-cancer drugs prepared in each hospital.
Materials and methods in the preparation process, 5-
Determination of FU pollution on 2 stainless steel plates (10 × 10 cm)
In BSC in 8 national hospitals.
These stainless steel plates were collected at the end of the study period.
Samples were analyzed by an effective liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method.
Results The subjects were 16 pharmacists from 8 hospitals.
The median preparation experience is 18 months (1–168 months)
, And the median of 5-
The FU vials prepared by each pharmacist are 7 vials (2–38 vials). The level of 5-
FU pollution is 2,079. 5 ng (0–10,148. 0 ng)/200 cm2.
Level of pollution with 5-
The preparation of FU, the time spent in preparation, years of preparation experience, and the number of anti-cancer drugs prepared in each hospital, no correlation was observed (r2 = 0. 0062, 0. 0002, 0. 0562, 0. 016).
Conclusion 5 pharmacists reached 5-
Detection of FU pollution at the following levels.
It is important that the years of preparation experience of these pharmacists vary.
These results suggest that even experienced pharmacists may underestimate the risk of environmental exposure during normal preparation.
In order to safely handle anti-tumor drugs, routine training of mixed skills is required.
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Reference (NIOSH)
NIOSH alarm 2004165.
Prevent occupational exposure to anti-tumor drugs and other harmful drugs in a health care environment.
Oh, Cincinnati: NIOSH; 2004.
Conflict of interest.
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