How long is delivery time of ?
You can check the estimated delivery time of each product at the “Product” page. But there are many factors affecting the delivery time, such as the ordering quantity, manufacturing requirement, extra quality test requirements, the destination and the shipping method, and so on. Contact our team and tell us all your requirements. After all detailed are confirmed, we can offer more accurate delivery time and promise on-time delivery. At Guangdong KaiYi Information Technology Co., Ltd., our goal is always to have your order delivered as fast as possible.
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Kaiyi has been widely recognized and famous because of its kitchen cabinet door handles. The furniture hardware series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. Hoone where to buy cabinet handles has undergone a series of visual examination procedures such as the color of the fabric and the cleanness of sewing threads. All the hardware products are sold to many countries, including Europe, America and so on. A complete quality management system has been specially established to ensure the quality of this product. Over 10,000 sets of mold can be offered right now.
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Kaiyi's operation philosophy is 'Respect everyone, provide high quality service, pursue excellence performance'. Please contact.

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