Furniture door handles from Guangdong KaiYi Information Technology Co., Ltd. is commercially valuable as it meets the market need with the high cost-performance ratio. When similar products on the market provide basic benefits, the exceptional character of our products provides a competitive edge. Considering all the eye-catching features, the item usually has a fair and reasonable cost.

By providing a large number of high quality where to buy cabinet handles, Kaiyi has been renowned in the industry for extensive expertise. kitchen drawer handles produced by Kaiyiis very popular in the market. All materials Hoone furniture hardware uses have to go through strict quality and performance testings. Over 10,000 sets of mold can be offered right now. The product with long operation life undergoes extremely harsh quality control process. All the hardware products are sold to many countries, including Europe, America and so on.

We regard green production as one of our major business plans. From now on, we will work together with peers to seek more sustainable and environment-friendly production technologies.